Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment in Birmingham

PRP therapy, available at our clinic near Birmingham, offers patients an incredibly safe form of treatment that can help to accelerate the healing of injuries and reduce the pain associated with chronic conditions.

What is PRP?

Our PRP Injections


Our Treatments

What is Platelet Rich Plasma?

Formed by four key components, our blood is remarkable. Plasma, platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells, each play a vital role in our overall health. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment at our clinic in Birmingham harnesses the power from your own blood platelets and plasma to create a potent healing solution.

PRP therapy, sometimes referred to as PRP injections, uses growth-enriched blood plasma to promote the healing of tissue with pinpoint accuracy – a truly groundbreaking regenerative medicine.

Discover PRP treatment at our Birmingham clinic, where we can provide an in-depth consultation about PRP and whether it is right for you. If you choose to go forward with PRP therapy, this will involve extracting a blood sample from you, usually from the treatment area. Under the guidance of ultrasound, PRP injections are administered, often with the use of local anaesthesia to maximise comfort. This minimally invasive regenerative treatment aims to ease pain, by effectively treating conditions like osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, and chronic pain, and promoting the rejuvenation of injured tissues.

How Does Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Work?

Step 1

1 small tube of the patient’s blood is extracted.

Step 2

Platelets in the blood are concentrated using a centrifuge.

Step 3

The activated platelets are injected directly into the damaged tissue.

PRP therapy usually requires only 1 tube of blood, around 15ml, to be extracted from the patient. After this blood has been processed using the centrifuge it produces approximately 5ml of plasma.

Introducing a high concentration of platelets directly into the damaged tissue replicates the natural healing process of the body at a much faster rate, rapidly accelerating recovery. By concentrating platelets from the patients own blood plasma, rejection is very unlikely, making PRP therapy very safe.

Our PRP Injections

Our PRP treatment in Birmingham is overseen by our highest level doctors. This treatment offers relief from a number of symptoms caused by injury or chronic illness whilst rapidly accelerating your body’s natural healing processes.

Our PRP Treatments Include:

  • A consultation with one of our specialists to identify how we can help and if PRP is right for you.
  • Expert guidance as to the best course of therapy for your individual case.
  • Platelet Rich Plasma therapy carried out by our doctors.
  • Follow-up appointment(s) to assess the effectiveness of treatment and advise further steps if necessary.
Woman with sore neck
Runner taking a rest

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment Pricing

We offer affordable pricing for PRP therapy. The exact pricing for your treatment will be determined by your specific requirements*. PRP therapy starts from as little as


*Additional testing, treatment, or prescription may be recommended as an alternative or an accessory. This will not be covered by the cost of PRP.
**Priced as a single treatment for one area such as the shoulder or knee. Price is reduced if more than one session is booked.

PRP Treatment near Birmingham

At GAP’s PRP clinic in Birmingham, we are able to treat conditions such as osteoarthritis and knee osteoarthritis, and more, through PRP therapy that promotes healing processes within the body. This approach harnesses your body’s unique regenerative power, in order to ease pain significantly.

PRP treatment involves taking a small amount of blood from the patient, which is subsequently spun in a centrifuge machine to concentrate the cellular components. The concentrated solution can then be applied directly to the treatment area through an injection. Our platelet rich plasma treatment in Birmingham offers a visionary approach that distinguishes it from other pain-relief treatments.

One of the key benefits of PRP therapy is its low risk of allergic reactions. This is because there is no foreign substance being introduced to the body, as we use your own platelets.

PRP Treatments We Offer

We offer PRP treatment at our clinic near Birmingham to treat a variety of injuries and conditions. We use the highly concentrated platelets to treat the following:

  • Arthritis
  • Joint Pain
  • Sports Therapy
  • Hair restoration
  • Wound healing
  • Muscle injuries and joint pain
  • Post-surgical wound healing
  • Burns and scars
Woman sitting
Man and woman

Remote Consultations At The GAP Clinic

Our online consultation services offer our patients the flexibility needed to fit in with the demands of a busy life. Completing consultations remotely means there is no need to visit us in our clinic for your initial consultation, while also being schedulable to suit your needs. You will only need to see us on the day of your treatment.

For our platelet rich plasma treatment in Birmingham, we are able to assess the majority of symptoms during the remote appointment. This means we only need to make a small number of physical evaluations on the day of your treatment when you visit us in-clinic.

Don’t worry, you will still receive the same level of care as you would if you were seeing us in person. Our expert doctors will be able to assess your condition and arrange the most effective treatment for you.

GAP Clinic

Appointment Form

Please fill in the details below, one of our doctors will be in touch with you shortly. We are able to offer initial consultations face-to-face or virtually.

Virtual appointments

PRP Injectables – Medical Evidence

PRP treatments are backed by real-world results and medical evidence. Find out more.

“PRP is a valid and safe alternative to postpone the need for surgery.”
— Repetto, JFAS, 2017

“PRP injection improved clinical outcomes in almost 77% of patients and allowed them to return to their pre-symptom activity level in 86% of cases.”
— Zayni, MLTJ, 2015

“Regardless of PRP variations, the superiority of PRP treatment compared to steroid was reported in all studies”
— J Res Med Sci, 2016

The Benefits of PRP Treatment

Growth Factors: Platelets contain growth factors that play a vital role in the body’s natural healing processes.

Stimulating Natural Healing and Growth: When PRP is injected into targeted areas, it kickstarts a cascade of regenerative responses. This can include the stimulation of collagen production, increased blood flow, and the acceleration of tissue repair.

Personalised Consultations: Our experienced doctors take the time to thoroughly assess your condition and discuss your expectations. This enables us to create a customised PRP treatment plan that aligns with your objectives.

Targeted Approaches: Whether you’re seeking to stimulate hair growth, improve skin texture, or accelerate wound healing, our PRP treatments are adapted to suit your requirements.

Minimally Invasive: PRP treatment typically involves injections, which are performed in a controlled clinical setting. These injections are minimally invasive and generally cause minimal discomfort.

Reduced Risk of Allergies or Reactions: Since PRP uses your own blood, the likelihood of allergic reactions or adverse responses is significantly reduced.

Expert Administration: Our doctors are well-trained in administering PRP injections, ensuring precision and safety throughout the procedure.

Arthrex PRP system

FAQs for PRP Treatment in Birmingham

Platelet Rich Plasma is formed when blood (taken from the patient) is placed in a centrifuge and separated into 3 components, the red blood cells (which sediments to the bottom), the plasma (which contains the platelets) and the white blood cells.

Platelet Rich Plasma has a far higher concentration of platelets than normal blood.

It is common for PRP therapy to result in soreness and/or bruising around the injection site. This will usually subside within a few days. 

Local anaesthetic is used during the procedure to numb the injection site. 

PRP therapy is an effective way of treatment male/female pattern baldness. It is most effective for treating thinning hair by slowing or stopping the process of hair loss. 

PRP therapy is a low-risk procedure with very little potential to cause side effects. By using the patients own blood for treatment treatment rejection if highly unlikely and results are maximised. 

As PRP involves drawing blood it is important to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and eat to reduce the risk of light-headedness. 

It is normal for there to be soreness and bruising around the injection site after the treatment. This will stop after a few days.

The cost of PRP therapy at our clinic near Birmingham is dependent on the treatment you require and how many sessions are necessary. For treatments to a single area, such as the shoulder or knee, guideline pricing is:

£450 for a single treatment

£800 for two treatments

£375 per treatment for three or more treatments

Book your free consultation now to discuss your personalised PRP therapy and associated costs with one of our experts at our Birmingham PRP clinic.

GAP GP clinic

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