Aviation Medicals

Aviation medicals from Fit-To-Fly are recognised by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to ensure you are medically fit to achieve and maintain a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL), a Private Pilot Licence (PPL), Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL), FISO Licence, or Cabin Crew qualification.

  • All appointments with our Aeromedical examiner Dr A J Wallis with over 15 years of experience in AME’s
  • Suitable for CPL’s, PPL’s, LAPL’s, FISO’s, & Cabin Crew
  • Five medical certificate types

Fit2Fly Medicals

About Fit-To-Fly

Available Medicals


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About Fit-To-Fly

Fit to fly provide professional medical certificates that are requirement set by the Civi Aviation Authority (CAA) to prove that you are fit to work with commercial aircraft, light aircraft, work in air traffic control.

There are a total of five certifications available depending on your requirements. All of our medicals are conducted by Dr A J Wallis, with over 20 years of GP experience and 15 years of experience with AMEs.

Before completing a Fit-To-Fly medical you are required to file a medical history about yourself. This is a medium-length electronic application form called the MED160. This is now to be completed via Cellma and the appropriate fee paid (No fee for LAPL medicals.)

Book your Fit-To-Fly medical with us today to speak to our doctors about our certifications.

Aircraft on ground

Fit-To-Fly Medicals We Offer

If you are unsure which medical certificate you require, our experienced doctors can advise you during the booking process.

EASA & UK Class 1

Class 1: Commercial Pilots Licence

Class 2 PPL

EASA & UK Class 2: Private Pilots Licence

FISO Medicals

Flight Information Service Officer Medical

Cabin Crew Medicals

UK & EU Aviation Safety Agency Cabin Crew


EASA & UK Class 1 Medicals

Our Class 1 medicals are approved by the Civil Aviation Authority. Class 1 medical certificates are suitable for both Commercial pilots and for Private pilots licence.

We can undertake the Revalidation and Renewal of Class 1 medicals.

Please note that if your Aircraft Operations Centre (AOC) is based in the UK then you will be able to fly into Europe with a UK Medical certificate.

EASA Class 1 Medical

You will need an EASA medical if your Aircraft Operations Centre (AOC) is based in Europe or if you fly an EASA Aircraft.

As part of your EASA medical you will also need to fill out an Epworth Sleepiness Scale and a Patient Health Questionnaire.

Please note that we cannot undertake Class 1 INITIAL medicals as these need to be undertaken at an Aeromedical Centre (AMC). Dr Wallis can then undertake any Class 1 re-validation or renewal medicals as an Aeromedical Examiner (AME).

Please complete the MED160 form located on the Cellma Portal before your medical.

EASA & UK Class 2 PPL

Class 2 medicals are require for those who are obtaining a Private Pilots Licence. You are required to fill in a medical history application form known as a ‘MED160’, please find this on the Cellma Portal.

If you are attending Fit 2 Fly Medicals for your initial first medical then you will also need a Ophthalmology Medical Form known as a MED162, this is also available to download from Cellma and needs to be complete before your medical and an eye test carried out by your optician. Please also find a Letter to Optician to download and take along with you to make the process as quick and easy for you as possible.

Any forms that are applicable to your situation should be completed before you attend your medical with us.


FISO Medical

Flight Information Service Officers (FISOs) are required to undergo medical assessment including a medical declaration and examination. The medical assessment consists of a clinical examination in addition to a medical declaration. This can be undertaken by an AME, or alternatively a GP in your own practice who has access to your medical records at the time.

A current EASA 1,2 / unrestricted NPPL/unrestricted LAPL or ATCO certificate is deemed to satisfy the requirements for a FISO medical as long as that certificate extends in validity to cover the age related validity periods below.

Before you FISO medical you are required to fill in the FISO Medical Declaration Pack which you will need to bring with you to your medical examination.

Validity periods:

  • Age 18 to 49: 60 months
  • Age 50 to 64: 24 months
  • Age 65 to 69: 12 months
  • Age 70+: 6 months

LAPL Medical Certificate

In order to gain a Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL) you will require a LAPL medical certificate. This is something we provide at Fit To Fly.

DR A J Wallis conducts our LAPL medicals at our clinic. You are required to complete a MED160 form prior to your medical examination and bring it with you to your appointment with us. Access this form on the Cellma portal.

EASA & UK Cabin Crew Medicals

At Fit 2 Fly Medicals we can screen and assess cabin crews at all stages of their careers. We can support cabin crews with specific pre-employment and also annual medical requirements due to the nature of their significant workload, which we take into consideration.

Operators need a system for arranging periodic medical assessments of cabin crews, to maintain a medical record for each crew member. It must also be ensured that each crew member has passed a medical examination or assessment at the required intervals.

Dr A. J Wallis Aeromedical Examiner (AME) has experience in providing airlines with tailored services for their employees including flight and cabin crew.

We can provide periodic medicals for your cabin crew. These medicals can be conducted as part of pre-commencement screening and can be repeated on an annual basis to ensure appropriate health standards are maintained for work in a safety critical environment. View the medical requirements for cabin crew.

To obtain a cabin crew medical form to complete before you visit for your medical, you must complete the Cabin Crew Medical Form. You must please complete this before you arrive to make the process as easy for you as possible and to avoid any kind of stress which may lead to increased blood pressure.


The medical can always be a worry for so many new cabin crew, who are concerned about what to expect and what potentially they could fail the medical on.

Most airlines in the UK have a basic medical for all cabin crew and this relies on honesty, when filling in the medical form, which is always attached to your confirmation medical to complete before your medical. Cabin Crew have to be ‘fit to fly’ on a daily basis and limited sick days are allowed. However, if you go over the number of sick days allowed, inevitably you will be asked to leave as you are not fit to fly. Please bear that in mind.

Your Cabin Crew Medical will entail the following:

  • A medical form/declaration of health to fill in, this is the proforma that will be attached to your confirmation email and is also available on the link above. You will need to declare any pre-existing conditions or medications used and illnesses/operations etc within the last 2 years. There are also general questions about your health which may include a family history and how much do you smoke or drink in a week.
  • Your height and weight will be checked.
  • You will have to provide a urine sample, so you can be tested for diabetes and drug/alcohol substances. Please be aware that during your flying career, you may be tested at any time for drugs or alcohol and if you fail the test, you may well lose your job – so just something to be aware of.
  • Ears and hearing will be checked, along with your eyes and sight, the minimum vision has to be 6/9.
  • You may have to show any birthmarks or scars and are mostly for identification purposes.
  • Blood pressure will also be checked along with lung function (by blowing into a device) and heart rate.
  • You may be asked to lift a heavy item, reach to a certain height or bend to a certain position. You have to be able to lift over 20 kg, to remove an over-wing exit too. The reach test is so that you are able to reach emergency equipment in the overhead lockers.
  • Finally, you will be asked about the immunisations you have.
Cabin interior

Book Your Medical Examination

Please fill in details below and we will be in touch shortly to arrange your appointment:

How To Find Us

01789 337515

The Medical Centre, 1 Woodland Drive, Great Alne Park, Warwickshire, B49 6FP

Opening Times
Thursday Friday 0900-1700
Saturday 0900-1300

Our private clinic is located in Great Alne, near Alcester, and is easily accessible from the A435, A46 and A422, as well as the M40 & M5 motorways. Due to its great location, GAP Clinic serves local patients and patients from Worcester, Coventry, Gloucester and Birmingham.

GAP Clinic

Fit To Fly Medicals FAQs

General medicals

To see what the medical entails, please open the following document: Performing medical examinations and what it entails.

PPL & LAPL Medicals

To look at the processes and medical requirements involved for PPL and LAPL Medicals please click view the following document: Medical requirements for private medicals.

LAPL New Medical Standards

To look at the new standards for LAPL Pilots please click on the following link: Standards for LAPL Pilots and also view the Brief guide for pilots.

Cabin Crew Medicals

The following are the UK requirements for the medical certification of Cabin Crew. To see the requirements for a cabin crew medical please use the following link: Cabin Crew Medical Report.

In any medical you must provide Fit 2 Fly Medicals with a complete medical history, the results of any medical examinations and tests as required by the examiner. The examiner will complete the medical assessment based on the examinations and tests required for that certificate. The examiner may also ask you to undergo additional medical examinations or investigations if needed.

The validity period for a medical certificate will be determined by your age when you take the medical and calculated from the date of the examination in the case of issue and renewal. If you are applying for revalidation of a certificate, it will be calculated from the expiry date of the previous certificate. You can have your revalidation examination up to 45 days before your previous one expires.

If you have not had your revalidation exam in the 45 days before it expires, you will need a renewal examination.

If you hold a Class 1 or 2 medical certificate and it expired more than two years before, the examiner will need to assess your aeromedical record before carrying out the renewal examination. If it expired more than 5 years before, the process for initial issue will apply, though the fitness decision will be based on the revalidation requirements; in this circumstance Class 1 applicants will need to attend an Aeromedical Centre.

If you hold a LAPL medical certificate that has expired your examiner will assess your medical history and carry out the renewal examination as detailed in the medical assessment section.