Most of us associate SPF and sun cream with lathering up on a scorching day on the beach in a foreign country. However, daily SPF is the most important part of you skincare routine. Whether you’re tanned or pale, 23 years old or 83 years old – everyone needs a great facial SPF and here’s why:

Reduces Signs of Ageing

UV rays from the sun penetrate the layers of your skin and reduce elasticity, causing wrinkles to develop. A daily SPF will protect the skin from these harmful UV rays and keep your skin feeling smooth and youthful.

Protection from UVA and UVB Rays

As we mentioned, SPF protects from harmful UV rays which not only can cause wrinkles but can lead to harmful skin pigmentation and potentially Melanoma (skin cancer).

Normal Moisturisers Don’t Cut It

“But my moisturiser has SPF 15 / 30. That’s enough, right?” WRONG! As hydrating and nourishing as these moisturisers feel, they don’t have the same level of UVA protection that proper SPF has. This doesn’t mean you should put normal body SPF on your face – there are plenty of specific face SPF products on the market now to ensure your skin is protected without your pores feeling too clogged.

Enhanced protection after treatments

After a facial treatment, your skin is bright, fresh and more susceptible to the elements. That’s why, after every facial treatment with us, we strongly recommend a strong SPF (at least factor 50) for all our clients. At Global Skin Clinic, we use Heliocare 360 Gel factor 50.

We hope you now have included SPF in your daily skincare routine (even in the winter!) but if you need more advice, pop into the clinic! Already have some sun damage on your skin? Book a consultation to see what treatments can help with skin pigmentation and re-hydration.